Saturday, January 22, 2005

A Can of Worms

Whatever. Here I am, writing my own blog. Don't smirk for those I know well enough, who have been so much into this ahead of me, and probably wonder why I had been not attempted to join the bunch until now. The naked truth is, I so long for that old, now sadly gone habit, of emailing (and getting emails from) a handful of you on such (albeit randomly) frequent basis, in which we lavished our minds on certain slices of lives, parts of our thoughts, that we seldom reveal to others. I hope too this newish way of venting out will somehow replace my frustration of failing to revive that old, now sadly gone habit of getting emails from those rare encounters I still value so much.

So. I create this space to be a sort of mental musing - of all pointific (or not so-) themes that bother my mind from time to time. Lots on bodies, I suppose. Contemporary dance, inevitably. Southeast Asia. East-West rambling. On movies (and thus the blog name is Moon Water, the Chinese Film Festival I'm now organising with some of you) or whatever issues I feel like ranting about.

Glad if you feed me back whenever you feel to. But expect to get, I will no more wish. Things happen when they happen. If desire is a (representational) itch that can never truly be scratched (Lacan), at least, I know where to seek my consolation.

Mine is only, a can of worm.......catch?